Unity Insurance and Investments Logo
Life Insurance Father Mother Baby HandsWould your death leave anyone in a financial bind?  If you answered "yes" it may be time to speak to an experienced agent at
Unity Insurance and Investments about obtaining life insurance. 
Life insurance can offer peace of mind, ensuring that your debts and your loved ones will be taken care of in the event of your passing.

The two basic types of life insurance are Term and Permanent
The one that's right for you depends on factors like your budget, the amount of coverage you need, and the length of time you would like the coverage to last.

We look forward to meeting with you to discuss which insurance option would best fit your needs.

"I think I've discovered
the secret of life-
you just hang around
until you get used to it."
~Charles M. Schultz

Click on the links below to learn more about Term Life Insurance and Permanent Life Insurance or to obtain a quote.


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We look forward to
speaking with you soon!

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